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Peace be the Journey

Program Overview

During this program, we explore the ongoing and recent peace process in Colombia, a nation whose turbulent past is rapidly receding. Colombia has recently gained international recognition for its management of resolution with internal rebel groups. Students will learn the historical truth of the peace process, name assumptions and unlearn untruths or false stereotypes about this remarkable nation. Students meet with one of the lawyers who worked towards the process of peace in Colombia as well as youth activists involved in organizing and activism. 

The program includes various visits to virtual museums and cultural sites like the Lost City on the north coast. We learn about the mystery of the Sacred Lake of Iguaque and situate those legends in the rich indigenous history of the country. For moments of levity, we have interactive dance classes of champeta and cumbia--don’t worry, you can turn your camera off for that! 

Program Highlights

  • Virtual tours of historical sites like the Lost City 
  • Crash course in Colombian Spanish slang 
  • Round Table discussion with lawyer from the Colombian Peace Process 
  • Conversations with local University students about contemporary issues in Bogotá 
  • Cumbia and champeta dance lessons 

What will we explore?


Students better understand how the peace process was negotiated in Colombia, including its key landmarks, stakeholders, and actions required to reach a resolution. 


Students advance their understanding of the rich history of pre-Columbian South America while understanding how modern-day Colombia fits into the continent as a whole. 


Students better understand how various styles of African dance were transmitted around the world, evolving over time to become what we know today. 

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